As a five star hotel at famous Vakil Abad Boulevard in second popular city of Iran, Mashhad, Pars International Hotel with 227 rooms in different types, provides a nice accommodation for the guests of holy Mashhad. Although Mashhad Pars Hotel is far from Imam Reza holy shrine, its easy access to Mashhad International Trade Fair, makes this hotel convenient for business travelers. Accessibility to Metro station is one of the advantages of Mashhad Pars Hotel which makes is to be chosen by guests. High quality services such as restaurant serving various types of Iranian and International cuisines, conference halls, 24 hour coffee shop, private parking, swimming pool, sauna, Jacuzzi, sport complex and other facilities as well as polite and friendly staff and supportive management, Mashhad Pars Hotel ensures its guests to have a satisfying stay. Alaedin Travel highly recommend this hotel to those who want to feel the pure elegance of architectural beauty.