In addition to its numerous beauties, Bandar Abbas has many shopping malls that attract shopping lovers from all around Iran every year. Each season that you travel to Bandar Abbas alongside visiting its natural sights you would like to go shopping. City Star Complex in Bandar Abbas is one of the famous shopping centers of the city and is built in three floors which is one of the most beautiful shopping centers in Bandar Abbas with its modern building. There are 400 different business units at this shopping mall, which, with a wide variety of goods, makes it easy for you to buy and purchase without confusion. In City Star Complex in Bandarabbas you can buy different types of clothes, computers, mobile phones, watches, perfumes, bags and shoes; you can also purchase gold and jewelry on the ground floor of the City Star Complex, and if you get tired of purchasing, there is a cinema on third floor so you can go and have fun with your friends and family. If you find yourself feeling hungry, you do not need to go out of the shopping center because there are restaurants and fast food in the complex where you can eat whatever you want. The City Center mall of Bandar Abbas is just a short distance from the City Star Complex, and you can visit this beautiful mall with its unique design. If you are planning to buy goods from the markets of Bandar Abbas, join Alaedin Travel tours. Keep in touch with us so our professional experts would book your hotel and airline tickets as soon as possible so you can travel to Iran with comfort.