Hotels tabriz : 27 hotel

13,000,000 54,000,000

Gostaresh Hotel in Tabriz
around the corner from Abresani cross, Emam street, Tabriz, East Azarbaijan
International Hotel in Tabriz
near to daneshgah square, Emam khomeini street, Tabriz, East Azarbaijan
Behboud Apartment Hotel in Tabriz
Shoar Alley, around the corner from Shahid Beheshti Clinic, above of Baghshomal Cross, Southern Artesh Street, Tabriz, East Azarbaijan
Elay Hotel in Tabriz
End of South Sahand, Damavand Street, Elahiyeh, Baghmisheh, East Azerbaijan Province
Ata Hotel in Tabriz
Corner of Abresan Bridge, Azadi Street, Abresan, Tabriz, East Azerbaijan
Caspian Hotel in Tabriz
next to shahrvand department store, after Ayoubi confectionery, Abresan conjunction, Tabriz
Petroshimi Hotel in Tabriz
Golkar street, ostad shahriar boulevard, Tabriz, East Azerbaijan
Azadi Hotel in Tabriz
Between Shariati and Golestan Intersection, Imam Khomeini Street, Tabriz
Ahrab Hotel in Tabriz
Ahrab square,bagh Golestan cross, South Palestine,Tabriz,East Azarbaijan
Aras Apartment Hotel in Tabriz
Corner of Taleghani and new pastor street, Tabriz, East Azarbaijan
Iran Hotel in Tabriz
Next to Darya hotel, Rah Ahan street, Tabriz
Saeb Apartment Hotel in Tabriz
Saeb Apartment Hotel, N 458, Across from Farahmand Confectionary, corner of Saeb and Pastor, Shariati Street, Tabriz.
Sahand Hotel in Tabriz
Across from Mosala, between T junction of taleghani and ferdowsi , Emam khomeyni street, Tabriz, East azarbaijan
Khanevadeh Apartment Hotel in Tabriz
South Sahand Street, Damavand Street, Elahiyeh, Bagh Bisheh Township, Tabriz, East Azerbaijan
Khazar Apartment Hotel in Tabriz
Across from Didad shopping center, 3rd Senobar Alley, to Baghmisheh,Fahmideh Square, Elie, Tabriz
Tourist Hotel in Tabriz
South East of swimming pool, Elgoli park ,Tabriz ,East Azarbaijan
Ziba Apartment Hotel in Tabriz
Next to municipality building, near to Maghsodiyeh junction, Arg Jadid street ,Tabriz

Tabriz is geographically located in the northwest of Iran and is full of beautiful scenes that attract attention of every visitor. Tabriz has many different attractions for different tourists with different tastes such as The Blue Mosque and Tabriz Bazaar which was registered as the UNESCO world heritage. If you want to book a hotel in Tabriz, you’d better trust on Alaedin Travel, our professional team has everything you want, 5 star hotel in Tabriz, best hotel in Tabriz and cheap hotel in Tabriz, just name it.