Gaduk Pass is geographically located near a village with the same name in Firuzkuh. The Gaduk village is a famous rocky place and one of the oldest parts of Mazandaran. Being located over 2200 meter above the sea level, the village has a fantastic weather during the hot seasons of the year. You could see snow capped mountain even in the spring. The Iranian railway owning many tunnels passes beside the village which makes it very beautiful. The longest and the most famous tunnels of the railway is the Gaduk Tunnel which was constructed during Reza Shah in Pahlavi kingdom. Passing this tunnel, you have the opportunity to enjoy the highest bridge of Iran’s railway, Veresk Bridge. The bridge is the masterpiece of the world’s architecture. Passing through the Gaduk Pass, do not forget to taste the local dishes served in fantastic styles beside the road. To enjoy the most while you travel to Iran, join Alaedin Travel and experience their professional travel services.