Isfahan is a well-known city in the heart of Iran and its spectacular attractions receive a great deal of visitors every year. It has been named ‘half of the world’ to describe just a small part of its majesty. When we hear the name, it seems like we step into history and are drown in extraordinary buildings. Buildings that each have a special fate and narrate stories from now and then. This time, we want to step into the world of magnificent mosques and visit the masterpieces of the Islamic world. We walk to Naqsh-e Jahan Square, which is famous since it has been registered as a world heritage site. On a corner of this square, an enchanting dome is depicting its beauty to everyone. This dome belongs to Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque and it is a masterpiece of architecture and tile works. This alluring mosque will catch the eyes of visitors at first sight.  Some believe that this building doesn’t actually have the role of a mosque and the architect of the mosque has skillfully created a space in which even the followers of other religions notice the divine and mystical atmosphere of it.  Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque was registered as a national heritage in 1931. What might attract your attention at first is that there are no minarets near the dome, in spite of this fact, minarets are inseparable parts of the mosques. Another interesting thing is the absence of entrance courtyard called Sahn in Islamic architecture and it can be reached through the stairs. It is said that there is an underground path, and allowed the king to have access to Sheikh Lotfollah who was a famous scholar. The construction of the mosque began by the order of Shah Abbas I and in honor of Sheikh Lotfollah, and after 18 years of constructing and decorating, it was completed in 1618. Blue, green, beige and white are the colors that are observed in this building and will enchant you when they are combined with lights. The dome of the mosque is the world most rounded dome, made up of two shells. Magnificent Islamic lines cover the dome and show the harmony of design and colors in the most beautiful form. One of the interesting things about the dome is that, its color changes during different times of the day. Adorning with tiles, mosaics and delicate Muqarnas, the Altar of the mosque is considered as a masterpiece in the architecture of the mosques. There are other inscriptions around the Altar and inside the mosque that are covered with fascinating calligraphy. Foreign archaeologists have said that it was hard to believe that this was a man-made structure.