There are always beach-side tourist destinations, such as Fish Market or as it is called by local Bazar Mahi Foroshan in Kish that can be considered as one of the tourist attractions of this island. This market which consists of 12 stores attracts many tourists with a lot of love because of the existence of aquatic sale. The fish supplied in this collection are freshly hunted by the native fishermen of Kish Island so expect everything to be fresh and delicious. Fishing is one of the main occupations of the people in Kish. Kish fish have different types which are as the following: Sorkhoo, Shahri, Jash Sal, Jet, Longtail Tuna, Kooseh, Neyzeh, Hamour, Mackerel Tuna, Safi, Tuti, Helali and Zol. The part that is intended for cleaning the fish is one of the features of this Fish Market. Skilled workers of this section clean the fish according to the order of the buyers. Filling out, emptying the belly for stuffed fish and peeling are the facilities that you can order in this section. If you cook and you are trying to taste new and different tastes, buy fresh fish, octopus, shrimp and crab from Fish Market in Kish and experience a new meal. In addition, this island is rich in tourism diversity due to its presence in free waters. Alaedin Travel can accompany you to visit this beautiful island and make you an unforgettable journey by booking you a perfect Iran tour package.