Geographically located in the northern part of magnificent Kish Island, Harrireh is a historical city dating back to over 800 years ago, the city was constructed after the entrance of Islam to Iran during Sassanid era. The city was named after its female ruler. In historical Harriereh City you would see the ruins depicting Iranian ancient art and talents. The beach center, houses for rich people, industrial and workshop center, bathhouse, wells and Qanats and rooms with furrow ground were found through many excavations. The industrial and workshop center beautifully depicts that habitants were busy doing fishing and finding pearls in those days. It is wonderful to mention that in this section of Harrireh city many hollows are available that people used them in case they were invaded by enemies. The remnant of the traditional bathhouse is also interesting to visit, for example the divided section for the usages of different people with different social ranks. The furrow ground made of coral, mortar and lime is the most eye catching part which could not be found in other places. Treat yourself with a trip to Iran and visit Harriereh and many other fantastic attractions by Alaedin Travel.