Saint Minas Church in Tehran was built by Hasan Mostofi Almamalek in 1235 for Armenians who had come from Charmahal to Tehran and were living in Vanak village. You can see a bronze made cross that this sentence has been carved on it:” Mostofi Almamalek Vanak village in 1278 Hijri-Qamari”. The reason to name this church as saint Minas returns to a historical story. Minas was a smart and wise person who was sent to Egypt by Roman Qeisar to end the battle in Eskanarieh. She did her mission perfectly and treated people in a friendly way. After this mission, Minas changed her religion and became Christian. Therefore, Qeisar ordered an execution to cut her head.  After this event, Christians know Minas as sacred. That is why Armenians in Tehran named a church after her which was in Armenians’ district. The plan of church is like a Rectangle with 17 meters’ length and 9.5 meters’ width. There are some materials like bricks and clay used in this building. You can visit 6 columns which are made of wood and 3 entrance doors. There is also a bell house over the southern entrance. A cemetery is on the hills in the east of Saint Minas Church in Tehran. Enjoy a trip to Iran by Alaedin Travel. For more information, visit our website and book your tour.