Being the highest summit of the Alborz Mountain Range, Tochal Mountain in Tehran is about 3962 meters high. The southern skirt of this mountain is located in the northern part of the capital, Tehran, and has a fantastic bird eye view over the city. Tochal Mountain consists of a ski resort, cable car and a nice hotel on the top of the mountain. To reach the hotel and stay there, you’d better use the cable car and you are obliged to be checked by a doctor due to staying in a high altitude. Armature mountain climbers and skiers could also enjoy Tochal Mountain because every facility available there is categorized with different levels of competence for the athletes. In addition, on the very low skirt of the mountain there are some coffee shops and restaurants and a place called roof of Tehran where you can enjoy the awesome view of the city especially at night. Alaedin Travel would really appreciate to accompany you in your trip to Iran.