Shahr-i Sokhta is geographically located near a city called Zabol in Sistan and Baluchestan province of Iran. According to archeologists and historians, it is believed to be the first city of the world. The history of the smart civilization of Shahr-i Sokhta is as old as five thousand year. It is for sure a unique example depicting ancient science, industry and culture. Through excavations, it was found out that the first backgammon of the world belong to those who have lived in this place. Skull surgery and artificial eye and rulers were also available for our ancestors. A nice remnant which is a pottery having a picture of a goat on it shows that the movements are the way to the tree, that is the symbol of the first animation of the world. The planning of Shahr-i Sokhta which still could be seen is a masterpiece of Iranian architecture that is a perfect instance of urban planning. Different structures on the ground are what you will see at first glance. If you are interested in visiting this UNESCO world heritage site, ask for a tour to Iran from Alaedin Travel team to experience an unforgettable trip.