عکس های Shouhaaz Apartment Hotel
عکس های Shouhaaz Apartment Hotel عکس های Shouhaaz Apartment Hotel
عکس های Shouhaaz Apartment Hotel عکس های Shouhaaz Apartment Hotel

Next to Sahar Bath, Jomhouri Intersection, Imam Khomeini Boulevard, Chabahar, Sistan and Baluchestan
Map location Shouhaaz Apartment Hotel

If you are planning to take a trip to Chabahar and looking for a place to stay, Shouhaaz Apartment Hotel can be a good choice. This hotel is located on Imam Khomeini Boulevard in Chabahar, and due to its good location many families choose to stay in this hotel. Shouhaaz Apartment Hotel is a newly built hotel, with 3 floors and 30 suites, which offers great facilities for guests. As the most important facilities of the rooms of this Hotel, kitchens, bake ware, Wi-Fi Internet access, refrigerators, safe-box and so on can be mentioned. Lift access, parking, transfer, car rental, laundry services are the other facilities that servicing the guests of the hotel. This hotel has been recently established in 2018 and features new amenities so you will feel good during your stay. Breakfast at Shouhaaz Apartment Hotel includes tea, milk, juice, omelet and egg, cheese, etc. Lunch and dinner are also available at the restaurant. As Shouhaaz Apartment Hotel is located near the sea so you will have easy access to the sea and other attractions of Chabahar. For having pleasant and enjoyable stay in Chabahar keep in touch with Alaedin Travel experts on www.alaedin.travel to book your tour, hotel and airline tickets.
Hotel information
Type of home : Apartment Hotel
Province : Sistan and Baluchestan
City : chabahar
Municipal area :
Municipality area :
Year of manufacture : 1397
Year of reconstruction : 1397
Number of rooms : 30
Number of beds : 60
Number of floors : 3
Parking capacity :
Room delivery : 14:00
Room evacuation : 12:00
Hotel Facilities
High-speed Internet
Free Breakfast
Restaurant in Hotel
Taxi Center
Parking Space in the Hotel
Transfer from Hotel to Airport