Three star Naghshe Shapoor Hotel is geographically located on Ferdowsi Square in Darab. The hotel consists of 22 rooms and suites ranging in different orders guests could choose according to their numbers and needs. All residential units are clean and equipped just like other three star hotels. A traditional restaurant serves qualified local dishes with yummy tastes and a coffee shop serves a wide range of hot and cold drinks and toothy desserts. Naghshe Shapoor Hotel also offers a conference hall for holding events of the same sorts. There also is a billiard table for those who wish to spend some time playing. The experienced helpful staff welcoming guests with friendly behavior will make your accommodation as pleasant as possible. Kids will love this hotel due to the playing toys available. 24 hour room service, dry cleaning and laundry service are other pluses guests enjoy while they are in this hotel in Darab.