عکس های Bozorgmehr Hostel in Isfahan
عکس های Bozorgmehr Hostel in Isfahan عکس های Bozorgmehr Hostel in Isfahan
عکس های Bozorgmehr Hostel in Isfahan عکس های Bozorgmehr Hostel in Isfahan

If you are going to travel to Isfahan and would like to stay a few days in hotels of this city, we suggest that you can count on Bozorgmehr Hostel to enjoy the most out of your trip to Isfahan. This hostel was established in 1380 in a 1-floor building and it is ready to host the guests in a good way. By booking Bozorgmehr Hostel in Isfahan, you will be able to choose one of 30 rooms of this hostel; the rooms that were rebuilt to give better services to the guests in 1390. The available rooms of this hostel have got 53 beds. There is another facility in this hostel which is the parking garage that is located in the ground floor of the hostel. To have easier access to Bozorgmehr Hostel in Isfahan, you should go to Jahad Street, Dr. Beheshti junction. Besides having a convenient and wonderful staying in this hostel, if you are interested in tourist attractions, you can visit Hasht Behesht building, Sio se pol or Chehel sotoon which are 4 kilometers away from Bozorgmehr Hostel. While visiting these tourist attractions in Isfahan, you can see some ancient and historical places with mind-blowing architecture that shows the great art of artists in Isfahan in those days. After visiting these historical tourist attractions, if you are interested in shopping, don’t miss visiting Isfahan traditional bazaar. To buy souvenir from this bazaar, you can check handicrafts of Isfahan which are made by the best artists of this city in Iran. To book your hotel, flight and other special services, you can visit our website. For more information about online reservation and tourist attractions in Isfahan especially about Isfahan tour, you can go to www.alaedin.travel. Our experts in Alaedin travel are waiting to receive your calls to give you the best offers and packages in this city and other parts of Iran. To enjoy your trip to Iran and visit the beauties in this magnificent country, you can call us: +982174495