عکس های Mortazavi Apartment Hotel in Mashhad
عکس های Mortazavi Apartment Hotel in Mashhad عکس های Mortazavi Apartment Hotel in Mashhad
عکس های Mortazavi Apartment Hotel in Mashhad عکس های Mortazavi Apartment Hotel in Mashhad

Nowadays, those who want to have a safe and comfortable trip decide for their accommodation before they travel. If these days you are on your way to Holy Mashhad, we recommend Mortazavi Apartment Hotel among the good hotels in Mashhad, which is one of the best newly established apartment hotel in Mashhad; that way you could make a memorable trip to Mashhad for you and your friends. Built in 1396 in Mashhad, this 4-floor apartment hotel has a capacity of 64 people with pleasant and new rooms that you can live in twin, triple, quad and quint apartments. One of the benefits of staying in Mortazavi Apartment Hotel in Mashhad is that this hotel is near Imam Reza's holy shrine. This hotel is a short walk from the shrine and many sights of Mashhad which are located around the shrine of Imam Reza (AS). This is probably why Mortazavi Apartment Hotel in Mashhad has been very popular since its establishment and is ready to host Mashhad guests with its dedicated and experienced staff. Featuring stylish amenities such as a restaurant, a 24-hour coffee shop, Laundry, air-conditioning and heating, wireless Internet and other facilities offered to dear guests, pilgrims and travelers in Mashhad make the hotel to be a proper choice. Reza Bazaar, Pir Palanduz Tomb, Nader Shah Afshar Tomb, Water Museum and many other places of interest in Mashhad are close to Razavi Apartment Hotel, where you can reach them within a short distance.
Now you can book Mashhad hotels online for cheap piece through online booking page and set your price range using available filters so you can find a hotel for your convenience. On the other hand, at Alaedin Travel, we have partnered with hotels all over Iran to offer significant discounts to our customers so you can book cheap and exceptional hotels from our website or with our Iranian hotel reservation partners. Contact us to make the necessary adjustments as soon as possible.

Hotel information
Type of home : Apartment Hotel
Province : Razavi Khorasan
City : mashhad
Municipal area :
Municipality area :
Year of manufacture : 1394
Year of reconstruction : 1398
Number of rooms : 20
Number of beds : 64
Number of floors : 4
Parking capacity :
Room delivery : 14:00
Room evacuation : 12:00
Hotel Facilities
Air Conditioning
Restaurant in Hotel
Hotel breakfast
Tomato Omelette
Mixed Omelette
Boiled Egg
Iranian Bread
Different Types of Omelette
Amenities inside the hotel rooms
Toilet Seat
Squat Toilet
Wi-Fi Internet
Split Air Conditioners