عکس های Rose apartment Hotel in Qom
عکس های Rose apartment Hotel in Qom عکس های Rose apartment Hotel in Qom
عکس های Rose apartment Hotel in Qom عکس های Rose apartment Hotel in Qom

Imam Street, Imam Square, Qom
Map location Rose apartment Hotel in Qom

Due to the geographical location of the two star Rose Apartment Hotel in Qom, it is a proper choice for those who are traveling to this city on business. By choosing this hotel guests have easy access to the administrative and commercial centers. Rose Apartment Hotel consists of different apartments with different capacities guests could choose according to their group size and needs. All apartments have kitchen and cooking utensils which is suitable for travelers who tend to follow their own diet and if being not eager on spending time in the kitchen, the hotel owns an indoor and an outdoor restaurant serving qualified dishes. Recreational centers such as traditional bath is where guests spend their leisure time. Conference hall and meeting rooms are good places for holding events of the same sorts. In addition, the banquet hall serves ceremonies and parties. 24 hour room service, parking space and free internet access are other merits.
Hotel information
Type of home : Apartment Hotel
Province : Qom
City : qom
Municipal area :
Municipality area :
Year of manufacture : 1362
Year of reconstruction : 1393
Number of rooms : 40
Number of beds : 100
Number of floors : 2
Parking capacity : 0
Room delivery : 13:00
Room evacuation : 13:00
Hotel Facilities
High-speed Internet
Air Conditioning
Baby Sitting Service
Automated Teller Machine
Free Breakfast
Parking space around the Hotel
24 Hour Room Service
Coffee Shop
Conference Hall
Outdoor Restaurant
Taxi Center
Meeting Room
Banquet Hall
Safety Box in Lobby
Praying Room
Hotel breakfast
Tomato Omelette
Fried Egg
Boiled Egg
Iranian Bread
Amenities inside the hotel rooms
Toilet Seat
Squat Toilet
Wi-Fi Internet
Split Air Conditioners
Central Cooling and Heating System
Kitchen In Suite
Toilet Table
Distance from the Hotel
Distance to Airport 34 km
Distance to Train Station 29 km
Distance to Bus Station 5 km
Distance to City Center and Landmarks 3 km
Distance to Holy Shrine and Religious Sites 4 km
Distance to Shopping Centers 14 km