Bandar Abbas is located in the south of Iran and has many tourist attractions. Each year many visitors travel to this city especially in the second half of the year. Except beautiful beaches in this city, you can visit fish market too. This market is located in a boulevard that connects the pier to the city which is known as Sayyadan Boulevard among local people. Fish market and its two-floor parking lot which are 11000 square meters, was built about 10 years ago and has been a place for fishing business from the opening time. Visitors can enter the roofed area while visiting the fish market and see some fish men whose women clean and sell different kinds of fish. Where ever you go in fish market, you see some kinds of Persian Gulf fish in the hands of vendors that tempts you to buy more because they are fresh and delicious. The variety of Persian Gulf fish has made the fish market to seem full of colorful fish. Some of these colorful fish are Mugilidae, croaker and White pomfret that white pomfret and lobsters are the most delicious and the most expensive ones among the others. If you take a look, you can see octopus, shark and crab too in the fish market. The air circulates in the roofed area. You can smell the smell of fish and shrimp. If you want to describe this fish market, you should add the smell of dates, garlic and tamarind. Travelers can visit fish market in Bandar Abbas from 7 in the morning till 10 at night and buy whatever they want. Join Alaedin Travel to visit other attractions of Bandar Abbas such as Gachin salt dome and Khorgoo hot water spring. To book your hotel, flight and other special services you can call our experts or visit our website: and travel to Iran.