Avicenna is one of the most famous scientists of Iran. He has written over two hundred books in different fields such as philosophy, medicine and etc. Of course as Arabic was spoken by people, many of his books were written in Arabic but later, they were translated to Persian. The tomb of Avicenna is located in Hamadan, the true historic capital of Iran. The place he was buried was used to be his friend’s house, he is also buried there next to Avicenna. His tomb was renovated during Qajar era and after the construction, the previous gravestones were put in the new tomb. Then again in later times, they decided to build a tomb which is the combination of old and new architecture. The tomb of Avicenna consists of 12 columns representing 12 fields of science he mastered in. these columns are connected to each other from the top. It looks really nice and attractive. You can ask Alaedin Travel to take you to Hamadan tour.