The beautiful city of Ghamsar is full of notable historical places that each of them is a world full of mystery. Ghamsar dam is one of attractions in Ghamsar which is located in the north of Ghamsar in Farfahan district and is known as a prominent tourist attraction in this city. This dam was registered in 1386 as one of Iran national arts with the number of 19876. Ghamsar Dam is built on Ghamsar River towards Kashan plain and it returns to Malek Shah Siljuk dynasty. The wall of dam has 22 meters’ height and in the depth of valley, it has 40 meters’ length and in the top part of wall, it has 50 meters’ length. It seems that the thickness of the wall in the first stages was 14 meters and later it was changed to 26 meters. Ghamsar dam is made of Stone and Sarooj and although it was made too many years ago, it can resist against the pressure of water and as you can see, it is still standing. In the east part of the dam, there is a remained canal which was used for extruding extra water. Hatches were made 20 meters away from each other for regulating the pressure of water that only one of them is working properly now. These hatches were used for supplying electricity of stairway and neutralizing the power of destruction of water which is in the pipes. If you are interested in Iran’s history, we recommend you visiting Ghamsar Dam which was a symbol of intelligence and knowledge of people for making dams and is a priceless treasure for future people. To visit Ghamsar tourist attractions and other beauties of Iran, you can join Alaedin Travel and travel to Iran. Our experts in Alaedin Travel give you the best offers and packages according to your taste.