Iran is the birthplace of many standing artists, poems, painters and sculptors. One of these world famous artists is Sohrab Sepehri, the contemporary poem and painter whose many poets were translated to English, French, Spanish and Italian for the ease of his non Persian fans. He was born and raised in Kashan and he has always wished to be buried in Kashan after his death. His birthplace was in a village called Mashhad Ardehal. He died at the age of 51 after suffering leukemia for some years. After his death, he was buried in the courtyard of Imam Zadeh Ali-ibn Muhammad Baqer in Mashad Ardehal which is about 40 kilometers to the west of Kashan. His grave is stoned with marble and all his information is inscribed on the stone in Persian script. If you are planning to visit Kashan and you love the literature, you could appreciate his masterpieces by visiting his graveyard. To do so, Alaedin Travel suggests you one of its perfect Iran tour package.