Join Alaedin Travel to get familiar with the only rosewater museum in Iran. Rosewater museum is one of Ghamsar tourist attractions and everybody knows Ghamsar as the city of flower and rosewater. When you step in this city, you feel the magnificent smell of damask rose. Every year, so many rosewater extraction festivals have been held in this city which is famous all around the world. Rosewater Museum in Qamsar is 500 square meters and it is located in Zakeriha House. This house returns to Qajar dynasty that in 1390, Rosewater Museum was opened in it. You will get familiar with the history of rosewater extraction which goes back to 1000 years ago and you will see some tools that are used for getting this. Because Ghamsar in Kashan is the home of rosewater extraction in Iran, this museum is made in the purpose of introducing the history of rosewater extraction and its culture in this city. You will get to know the traditional ways of extracting rosewater which is the product of art and intelligence of Ghamsar people in rosewater museum. According to the documents in this museum, rosewater extraction returns to 2000 years ago in the Sassanid dynasty that people were celebrating it by splashing the rosewater on each other. They would splash rosewater on decorative bottles with pieces of jewelry and send it to the king. The enjoyable space of the yard in this museum is so considerable. You can see the pots and other tools of rosewater extraction under the shadow of trees that is mixed with the traditional atmosphere of the house and the yard. It definitely takes you to the past. There are some beds around the yard that old carpets are flattened on them and you can take some rest. If you are interested, you can join Alaedin Travel to experience an amazing day with us during your trip to Iran.