Protected areas are referred to natural resources protected by the Environmental Protection Agency because of the high importance and value of animal and plant species. The protected area of Saadi, located in the northwest of Kerman, is one of the protected areas in the province. Saadi Protected Area in Kerman with an area of about 87,500 hectares was registered as a protected area in 2010.The protected area of Saadi has about 25 villages. The region has a semi-arid climate of desert, including mountainous, hills and plains. From the vegetation of Saadi Protected Area in Kerman we can mention tropical shrubs and other trees. Because of the diversity in the topography of the region, there is a fairly wide range of animal species that can be distinguished from goat, ram, deer, wolf, jackal, fox, rabbit, and hedgehog. The height of the protected area of Saadi varies from 1710 to 2500 meters. There are several mines in the area, including copper, sand and asphalt. In the protected area of Saadi, a cultural attraction called Bibi Hayat Shrine embraces tourists. From the other quadruple protected areas of the Kerman, Kuh-e-Joopar Protected Area, Kuh-e-Shir Protected Area, Copper-Stone Protected Area, National News Park, Zaryab Wildlife Refuge can be mentioned. If you are interested in nature, Alaedin Travel has one of the most experienced guides for you to explore Kerman's sights .On a trip to nature, you can spend the night under the starry sky in the Kerman coastal resorts to taste local dishes. Stay in touch with Aladedin Travel's experts to book your trip to Iran.