Saint Sarkis Cathedral also known as the Surp Sarkis Cathedral is geographically located in Khoy in a historical district called Imamzadeh. While in some documents, it has been written that the construction of the cathedral dates back to 9th century AD, the plan and figures of the columns as well as the walls and lightening resemble those architectural styles of the 4th century AD. The plan of the Saint Sarkis Cathedral was heavily inspired by the plans of Iranian temples and has two entrance doors on the south and western sides. Surp Sarkis Cathedral has six columns made of stones inside it. Eight small holes supply the lightening of the interior side. The altar is located on the north east part of the cathedral and is the only section of the cathedral which is decorated with religious paintings on the plaster. Looking at the facade, you would see a small done which crowns the central part. The construction was built and decorated with lime stones carved in the shape of cube. Sain Sarkis or Surp Sarkis Cathedral attracts many visitors every year, if you want to be one of them, experience Alaedin Travel Perfect services and purchase a fabulous Iran tour package.