If you travel to the beautiful Kish Island, beside visiting the Kish Island and its attractions, you will miss your trip if you don't visit Baghou Village and old era of the island in order to get familiar with the life style of the Indigenous people and also keep away from the city noise and enjoy the peace of mind with its history and style. One of Alaedin Travel's suggestions during visiting the spectacular sights of Kish is the old and beautiful Baghou village, which is truly a must see on Kish Island tour. The village was named after a 100-year-old woman who was living in the Baghou Village during the defeating of Kish Island by the Portuguese. To reach the Baghou Village in Kish you have to go to the Qorub-e Kish Square which is near the Greek ship and then go to the Baghou road to reach the village. In the Baghou village you can visit the houses, mosques and old trees and enjoy your time with friends and relatives. In this village you can visit one of the rare tree species such as the Lauer tree, which is a fig tree with an oval shaped leaves. The indigenous people of the Baghou Village have set up traditional black tents in the village entrance, where tourists of Kish Island can get acquainted with local cuisine, traditional cuisine, celebrations and traditional events of the village. To visit Kish Island, log in to Alaedin Travel website and make airline ticket and hotel reservations online. Our professional team provide the bests for you on your trip to Iran.