Diving is one of the sea and water amusement that most people like to experience for at least once in the waters of the Persian Gulf. The waters around Kish Island are the habitat of a variety of marine organisms such as coral, decorative and edible fish, sea urchin, crabs, shellfish, and sea stars that you can see all of these beauties by going to Kish Diving Center. We advise you to take a trip Kish, the dream island, to experience the joy in Kish Diving Center. This diving center is equipped with all the facilities, along the beautiful corals and beautiful colorful Persian Gulf fishes. There is a great program for you and your companions. Seeing the beautiful view of the Persian Gulf provides the peak of thrilling and unique calmness under the blue sky for tourists and visitors who have traveled to Kish Island which you will not experience in any other parts of Iran. In the Kish Diving Center, you will be taught how to swim in depth of the sea before you dive. The Diving center, known as Kish Depth Club, was officially established in 1991 by the Amir Shomali Moghadam and Ghasem Nargesi, and continued its activities in the field of swimming and diving and diving training. Many divers now have their own diving experiences at this modern educational center. Around Kish Diving Center, there are many tea houses, restaurants and buffets with a great variety of food to make your trip very pleasant and enjoyable. Visit Alaedin Travel website and get familiar with Kish sights, and easily book your hotel, especially Marina Park Kish Hotel, and your flight. Keep in touch with our experts on +98 2174495 and travel to Iran.