Kish Island is one of the most popular destinations among tourists taking tour to Iran. This island owns many fantastic attractions which one of them is the subterranean city called underground Kariz City.  This original history of this city dates back to over 2500 years ago and is one of the examples of constructing Qanat in Iran. It was built to lead water pass through certain cannels. Kish Kariz is about 15 kilometer long and was constructed 14 meters underground. Coral features, water current, cool air circulation and coral ceiling full of ancient fossils are the breath taking characteristics of this wonder. Historians believe that this Kariz is the only example of a construction that has a coral ceiling and this feature has turned it into a fabulous place to visit. Last but not least the materials used in building Kish Subterranean city made it more important to its flexibility toward contacting water. Alaedin Travel could present you with the opportunity to explore this glorious piece of Iranian architecture and art.