There are many artistic fields in Iran, some of which are rooted in the history of this border and some of them have been adapted from western and eastern arts that artists are using them in their works in classical form. Currently, some of these arts are native to Iranian artists and are exhibited at their permanent exhibition. One of these Persian arts is the mosaic that can be seen everywhere in Iran. In order to create a mosaic, the artist must be familiar with pre-requisites such as calligraphy, painting and handicrafts because all of these arts play essential roles in the art of mosaics. In Kish Island, there is a permanent exhibition, called Qumars Sayyad's Gallery for the citizens, tourists and visitors of Kish. All of Qumars Sayyad's works are all-wood mosaic and in the coloring and design of these works, no color and line, pen or pencil are used. The color of them is the original color of the wood, and all the lines of these boards also relate to saw blades. Qumars Sayyad's Exhibition has been held in the Kish International Conference Hall and 25 works of this master with roles of religious, historical and cultural subjects are displayed. Visit or call our experts on +98 2174495 to book your tour, hotel and flight tickets for your trip to Iran.