Shahr-e Babak is one of the most beautiful historical cities in the west of Kerman which shines like a diamond in the heart of desert. There are many tourist attractions in Shahr-e Babak like Ayoub cave, Haji Akhund hammam, Meymand rock village, Azarbaq fire temple and Musa khani building. Iranians have been really into sanitary since past as you can see hammams’ construction from past till now. Hammams were made as public in the past that during time and technology development, each house was equipped with a private bath. Haji Akhund Hammam or bath is located in 76th km, Shahr-e Babak in Dehaj division. This hammam has two different yards used for men and women. One of the yards is destroyed in this time. Haji Akhund hammam which is also known as Abolmaali hammam too, was built in 1062 Hijri calendar. The water of this hammam was coming from Dehaj Qanat. There are three baths, a pool and a locker room in Haji Akhund Hammam which is similar to Ganjali Khan hammam in Kerman. Kerman is a city with warm blooded people. To get familiar with its culture and traditions, you can visit anthropology museum in Kerman. Join Alaedin Travel professional tour guides in Meymand visiting tour to visit this rock village in different way. To book your hotel, flight and other special services, you can call our experts in Alaedin Travel. To book online and get more information about the beauties in Iran, you can visit our website:
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