Shahr-e Babak is one of the major and important cities in the province of Kerman; it is due to the presence of copper and turquoise mines doubling its importance. As the attractions of the city of Shahr-e Babak, Rivas Plain, Ayoub Cave, Mansouri Tower, Azarbagh Fire Temple and Mosa Khan Mansion can be mentioned. Archaeologists attribute the dating of Shahr-e Babak to the Sassanid and Ardeshir-e Babakan eras. Shahr-e Babak is one of the oldest cities in Kerman, which is known as the tourist destination in the province. Mansuri Tower has been remained for us from the Qajar period in Shahr-e Babak. It is located on Imam Street of this city. Bricks can be mentioned as the used materials in building of the Tower. Qajar architects and artists have constructed it in a cylindrical and circular plan, with a groove decorating on its exterior part. The dome of Mansuri Tower is a cone-shaped one. On your trip to Kerman, visit the other sites such as the Sangi Gardens, the Garden of Prince Mahan, the Green Dome, the Hindu Caravanserai, and the Tomb of Khaajeh Atabak. If you are planning your next trip to Iran and the beautiful province of Kerman, visit Alaedin Travel website on to Book your tours, hotels and airline tickets. Our experts will prepare the best itinerary for you to enjoy the most.