One of the beautiful attractions of Tehran is Ferdows Garden which dates back to Gajar Dynasty. Mohammad Shah, a king of Qajar, ordered to build a mansion in a northern part of Tehran called Tajrish. He named this mansion as Mohammadie. Unfortunately, he died during the construction of the mansion and then it was abandoned. One of his courtier continued the process later. It was planned to build a two story mansion according to Qajar style. This complex experienced many ownerships and alterations during times and the oldest part was completely destroyed. Throughout applying the changes, pools and fountains were added to Ferdows Garden. Then an aqueduct was built to water the garden. Various ministries have been active in Ferdows Garden. In addition, after the Islamic Revolution of Iran, filmmaking classes were held there and at the moment it is the place for Cinema Museum. Enjoying the beautiful nature of Ferdows Garden and learning about the history of cinema is highly recommended to the visitors in Tehran.