Laleh Park is one of the oldest parks in Tehran and its construction dates back to 1966, and after 50 years it is still one of the most charming and popular parks of the capital. Divers plant cover of the park makes the surrounding atmosphere always fresh and clean, where you can take a deep breath and do your exercise in the morning. This place was used for horseback riding and military marching, but after becoming a park, many amenities and attractions including mosques, basketball and volleyball courts, chess table, and the first Iranian children's library were added to the place. Fountains and wavy streams in the southeast part of the park are great subjects to take the most memorable pictures of this place. One of the most interesting things in Laleh Park is the sundial. This clock can measure and show the time using the position of the sun. Laleh Park was formerly known as Farah Park, but like some of other monuments, the name was changed after Iran Revolution in 1980.