Cahabahar port city is part of free zone in Iran which is a good destination for tourists. Visitors of Chabahar are so lucky to see Gwadar Bay and miniature mountains. Gwadar Bay is part of Chabahar tourist attractions that you can enjoy while visiting Chabahar. This port is known as the end of Iran’s roads and the neighbor of Pakistan. This city is part of Sistan and Baloochestan and it’s located between Macran shore and Oman sea. Gwadar Bay flows into Nahr River in Pakistan and in Bahoocalat River in Iran. Doing business in Gwadar bay has a long history. The traders passed from India to Africa through this bay’s waters. The closest place from Iran to Oman is a small village called Gwadar that has 160.000 populations. Most people in this area do fishing and Mat weaving. This bay was the center of exporting shrimp which you can still see this business in this area. If you want to visit Chabahar, don’t miss visiting Gwadar bay and a castle near it because you can take a walk on the beach and enjoy sunset. You can also watch crabs marching on the beach. It’s interesting to know that many birds immigrate to this bay in the first of autumn. Visitors of chabahar tour can see other chabahar tourist attractions such as Lipar wetland and Gandou that is a protected area. To experience a nice travel to Iran and see its beauties, call our partners in Alaedin Travel and get the best offers. You can also book your hotel, flight and other special services on our website online.