Villages have always been a center of social ties in Iran. Their simplicities of their lives were so considerable and interesting for the new generations. Among these villages, we could name historic port village of Tis in Chabahar as one of the best having root in the ancient Persian history. This magnificent site dates back to over 2500 years ago according to the documents. During Arab devastating invasion to Iran, Tis was occupied by Arab soldiers and people were forced to take Islam at their official religious. After many years with entering the Portuguese to Chabahar, they built a castle in Tis and stop being under the dominance of Arabs. There are still some ruins of the castle in Tis and visitors could enjoy visiting it. The most interesting part of Tis Village is the cemetery that local people believe it belongs to genii. It is located in a mountainous mysterious area and has very big gravestones. Tis historic port village has many other attractions that are expecting the tourists who are taking tour to Iran. Alaedin Travel could make an unforgettable trip, do not miss our perfect travel services.