Geographically located north of Tis historical Village in Chabahar, there is a complex of caves. This complex consists of one natural and two artificial caves. Local people call them Banmasity Caves. The name means a place for a pious man worshiping God. That is because of the cave which is located in the middle, there is a grave inside this cave that has a dome as tall as 40 c. m. The entrance to this cave exactly faces Tis Valley. On the walls of Banmasity cave, some lines and signs colored with red and purple ink were inscribed. On the right side of the cave there is another one that is made of stone and plaster. The entrance is 80 c. m long and has a short ceiling. Some carvings could be seen around this cave. The cave is blocked on the back but it seems that it is connected to the cave on the left side or maybe it was an underground place for burying corpse. To enter the Banmasity Cave on the left you have to walk up a few steps. A hole on this cave could be connected to a part of the mountain. To visit these wonders in Chabahar, take a tour to Iran by Alaedin Travel.