In the southern hillsides of Alborz Mountains which have separated the northern parts of Iran from the center like a huge wall, Semnan is located. This province is spread from north to south and the height of it decreases from north to south as well. In the southern areas of Semnan, there is Dasht-e-Kavir and in the northern parts, you can see high mountains. Semnan has the same border with Mazandaran from the north, with Tehran from the west, with Isfahan from the south and with Khorasan from the east. There are eight cities in this province like Mehdishahr, Aradan, Shahrud, Damghan, etc. Although Mehdishahr is located in a desert province, the weather is cool and chilly which has been turned into a tourist attraction in Semnan because of having great weather. Too many visitors choose this destination to spend their free time and enjoy their time. There are too many attractions in mehdishahr such as Darband cave, Rudbarak and finask jungles, Ibrahim khan building, Shir castle and Kafar castle. In the north west of Mehdishahr, you can see Darband Mountains, Morghak, Shir castle and Besham. Gardaneh-ye Besham is located 15 km from Besham Mountains and on Semnan to Firoozkooh road. You can get to Mazandaran and Sari through this pass (Gardaneh). Gardaneh-ye Besham is always covered with snow in the cold seasons because of being in mountain area. It creates a fascinating view for visitors. Don’t miss buying souvenirs and handicrafts of Semnan. You can take a part of this city to your living city. Join Alaedin Travel to visit the beauties of Iran with our professional tour guides. To book your hotel, flight and other special services, you can call our experts in Alaedin Travel. They will give you the best offers and packages. For more information, you can also visit our website