Forest is a word full of beauty. Beauty that takes different colors in different seasons and suits colorful clothes. The beauty of the forest attracts the eyes of every nature lover. Join Alaedin Travel and go to the Rudbarak Forest in Mehdishahr, Semnan and experience the forest with our magic light. Rudbarak is one of the mountainous villages in the northeast of Mehdishahr, which is covered with snow in cold seasons and creates unique landscapes in the Hyrcanian forests. This village is located in the protected area of Parvar and due to the natural and historical attractions is considered as one of the tourism areas in Mehdishahr. From Semnan to Shahmirzad road you can go to the Rudbarak Forest and take your pleasures from the beauty and landscapes. The total area of the forest is more than 8 thousand hectares, which has many attractive places such as waterfalls, caves and springs. Sometimes fog will be the guest in the forest of Rudbarak and brings refreshment for the forest. The road continues through the trees to the depths of the forest. This is where the road reaches the end and only the sound of birds and wild animals can be heard. The jungle, this peaceful world has countless secrets in its chest that will tell you if you listen to it. Join on Alaedin Travel Nature Tours with our professional guides to keep memories of the Hirkani Rudbarak Forest for a long time. Visit to book your hotel and airline tickets or call our experts on +98 2174495.