Shahmirzad is a good weather city in Mehdishahr, 24 km away from Semnan. Shahmirzad is a very important city in terms of history, agriculture and tourism. The weather in Shahmirzad is moderate in summer and cold in winter and in comparison with the cities around it, it has cooler and fresher weather. This city has a various vegetation and many green areas. According to Food and Agriculture Organization, the biggest walnut garden is in this city. The people of Shahmirzad have a lot in common with people of Mazandaran and they have so many collaborative cultural bonds. This city was known as an international tourist area in 1386. Shahmirzad was a part of Tabarestan government. According to ancient history, the name of Shahmirzad was Shahmar, Shahar and Sahar which proves that this city was really habitable and flourishing. According to some historical resources, the history of this city returns to 3000 years ago and because of having some water springs like Arshak and Ashkash, most probably it goes back to Sassanid’s dynasty. The people of Shahmirzad are so hospitable and warm-blooded and are so keen on making progress in different terms. There are some historical castles in this city which are Mehdishahr and Shahmirzad tourist attractions. Shir Ghale is a castle returning to Tabarestan government that was built to protect the road ending to the Silk Road. There is another castle named Sheikhi castle that only some stones are left from it these days. This castle was built by a person named Hasan Sabbah which was used for protecting the city against Torkaman’s attacks in Safavid dynasty. You can also visit the old Jameh mosque in this city. Join Alaedin Travel to enjoy visiting the beauties of Iran. For more information, you can visit our website: