You will learn a lot about the history if you visit Ebrat Museum in Tehran. The museum was constructed by Germans upon the order of Reza shah the first king of Pahlavi dynasty. The place was used as the first modern political prison at that time. Later, it was used as the prison for the female prisoners. After the Islamic revolution of Iran, this place was turned into a museum to show the cruelty and the way prisoners were kept and tortured. Before you get amazed by what you are going to see in Ebrat Museum in Tehran, you would get shocked with its mysterious architecture which made any effort of escapees end in failure. The architecture is in the way that it does not even eco the screaming sounds. All the aisle of this three story prison leads to a circular space which is the main part. A lot of things are awaiting you in Ebrat Museum in Tehran, join us on Alaedin Travel and see this wonder while you travel to Iran.