Although a great deal of Iranians are Muslim, there are some other religious minorities who are living peacefully together and hold their religious ceremonies and observe their duties. Iranian Christians usually live in groups in special districts and this caused the appearance of many churches and cathedrals with different styles and looks. They all are filled with spirituality and relaxation. Saint Sarkis Cathedral in Tehran locating on Karim Khan Boulevard is one of them which has a unique architecture dating back to the Middle ages. It attracts many visitors every year. The entrances to the Saint Sarkis Cathedral in Tehran are all located on the western side. There also are two bell towers on the western side which were heavily inspired by the Saint Sarkis Cathedral in Yerevan. On the wall above the altar of the cathedral, there are beautiful paintings of Bible and a balcony for the chore group. To visit Saint Sarkis Cathedral in Tehran and have a wonderful trip to Iran, Join Alaedin Travel professional team.