Nature reserves in Iran include some sample natural homelands which are protected by department of environment. One of the protected places in Bam is called Zaryab Nature Reserve. This area which is located in 50 km, west of Bam, was known as nature reserve in 1389. Zaryab Nature Reserve in Bam is about 45250 hectares. This reserve which consists of some parts of Lout desert and Barez mountains has various vegetation and wildlife because of different climate. Zaryab Nature Reserve has warm climate in desert parts and cold weather in mountainous parts. Despite northern parts, you can see permanent rivers, seasonal rivers and some spring waters which have made a variety of vegetation. There is Asian black bear in Zaryab Nature Reserve which is wonderful. There are other animals in this place such as goat, leopard, wild cat, ram ewe and some kinds of snakes. There are also some birds flying over Zaryab nature reserve like golden eagle, black touca, dull yellow partridge and partridge. If you are interested in nature and wildlife, join Alaedin Travel to see the beauties of Kerman. To book your flight, hotel and other special services, you can call our experts in Alaedin Travel. They will give you the best offers and packages to have a nice trip to Iran and see the most amazing places and tourist attractions that you have never seen before. For more information, you can visit our website: