The history of the construction of Band-e Shadravan Bridge (Kaisar) in Shushtar dates back to the Sassanid Shapur I era and based on evidence, it’s constructed was upon his order. Band-e Shadravan Bridge is located on 300 meters south of Band-e Mizan and in northwest of Shushtar, on the main branch of Karun River, and now its remnants are located beside the Azadegan Bridge. To construct this bridge, the river is paving stone by carved stones and tied with metal clips. Shadravan means a carpet decorated with full of signs and because from Shadravan to Band-e Mizan the bottom of the river is covered by carved stones, it is famous as Shadravan. One of the reasons for constructing this huge bridge was to raise and calm the flow of water through the columns of the b Band-e Shadravan Bridge and entering it into the Daryoun River to water the fields. To visit this historical bridge keep in touch with Alaedin Travel and book your tour, hotel and airline tickets for your trip to Iran. Call us on +98 2174495