One of the tallest historical wall in Iran, which has been maintained after numerous natural and man-made disasters and became the symbol of Tabriz, is Arg-e Tabriz, which is also known as Arg-e Ali Shah. Arg of Tabriz is the remnant of a big unfinished 14th century mausoleum and a 19th century military castle and barrack in the city center. Traveling to Tabriz hundred years ago, you could have easily seen Arg-e Tabriz or as it was mentioned Arg-e Ali Shah because it was the only building that could have been seen even from outside of the city. Nowadays, to visit Arg in Tabriz, travelers have to go to the city center. The Arg was constructed in the 8th century during Gurkani or Timurid Empire. In order to construct this building with Azari Style architecture, Sarouj and durable building materials were used. A large part of Arg-e Tabriz was destroyed in the 1721 Tabriz earthquake along with many other buildings in the city and some of other parts were destroyed to build Tabriz Mosalla. Therefore; what we see now is just a small part of Arg-e Ali Shah which was established hundred years ago. The remnant now consists of three long walls. This monument is as wide as 30 meters and as tall as 26 meters and each wall is as wide as 10 meters. If you take a close look at the wall, you can see the footprint of bullets on this architectural masterpiece which dates back to Constitutional Revolution of Tabriz during Muhammad Ali Shah Qajar. After the Iranian revolution, a large mosque was built near it which is called Mosalla of Tabriz and it is used to hold official ceremonies and Friday prayers.