Constitution House of Tabriz, built in 1868, is a historical house located next to the Grand Bazaar. The house was used as a gathering place for the leaders and activists of constitutional movement. The house was registered as National Heritage site in 1975 and was bought by Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization of Iran in 1988. Constitution House in Tabriz was built with Qajar architectural style and was the personal house of Haj Mehdi Koozekanani, a famous merchant who was a fan of freedom and liberty. Constitutional House in Tabriz is the most famous and honorable house and was the mansion where crucial decisions were made during Constitutional Revolution. After bombing National Consultative Assembly by Mohammad Ali Shah, the leaders gathered at the Constitutional House to consult the issues. Sash window, kiosk, woodcarving doors, Kolah Farangi and light well are some of the extraordinary features of this house.  Many photos, sculptures and objects are exhibited, but the most distinguished historical objects are including Sattar Khan’s handgun, Constitution Carpet, personal stuff belonging to constitutional leaders and other documents, as well as statues and photos of that time. Visitors and tourists of Tabriz can visit Tabriz Constitutional Museum every day.