Human being has always been in need for scales and measuring tools to evaluate their environment and regulate their relationship with the surrounding nature. Certainly, the collection of old measuring instruments can illustrate the way in which technology was developed by the ancients. Sanjesh Museum or Measurement Museum in Tabriz is a two-story traditional house in the heart of Tabriz where elementary measuring instruments are kept. The house belonged to Salmasi family that was an old family in Tabriz during Qajar dynasty. Unique traditional architecture, sash windows with colorful glasses along with three pleasant lovey courtyards will catch the eyes of visitors at first sight.  There is also a very old trunk which belongs to 5000 years ago and is a spectacular thing to see. The Salmasi house is now allocated to Sanjesh Museum to exhibit various measuring tools with delicate and imprecise weighing machines, metering tools and other evaluating scales such as watches from the past centuries, meteorological measurements, compasses and special assessment instruments for measuring length.