Golestan Palace in Tehran, registered by UNESCO as a world heritage site, attracts many visitors every year. The palace is full of eye catching halls each allocated to a special event and ceremony. Passing through Karimkhani Hall, you would reach Salam Hall or Talar-e Salam in the north west of Golestan Palace.  Since first, the hall was established to be a museum and it is believed that Naser-al Din shah spent his free time decorating and changing the place of the objects shown in the hall. According to the visitors, the architecture and decoration of Salam Hall is one of the best in the world and depicts the glory and magnificence of the place as well as possible. The ceiling and the walls were designed with stunning plaster works and the floor was carpeted with painted tiles with different colors and paintings. There is a very big table in the middle of Talar-e Salam which is covered with gold. On both sides of the table there also are gold covered armchairs. Visiting Golestan Palace and Salam Hall along with Alaedin Travel would make your trip to Iran more enjoyable.