Congregational Mosque of Qazvin is one of the biggest and oldest mosque which its first construction was on afire temple from Sassanid dynasty. The main entrance door of the Congregational Mosque is located on Sepah Street, the first street built in Iran so you could take the joy of the Persian history. Some parts of the mosque were unfortunately ruined during Mongol devastating invasion to Iran, but in later period, some parts were renovated. This holy place has entrance doors in four sides which led to courtyards with Iwans. The best combination of Islamic and Persian art could be observed by just looking at the dome and minarets of the congregational mosque. The architectural style of the mosque dates back to Seljuk and Safavid eras. The turquoise dome and tiled minaret attract attention of the visitors. Inscriptions installed on the walls of the mosque double its magnificence. Alaedin Travel offers Qazvin tour to avid tourists.