Iranians have always been interested in constructing bridges and throughout history, this fact has completely been proved. They have built extraordinary bridges that have last up to the present time and this shows the mastery and importance of these structures among Iranians. So, it is not surprising if technology goes so far as to make this important structure in a new and modern way. Tabiat Bridge in Tehran was designed by a young lady named Leila Araghian. She designed the bridge when she intended to participate in a race that was to design a pedestrian bridge to connect two parks separated by a highway. The establishment of the bridge lasted for four years and was finished in 2014. The bridge quickly became popular among locals to spend their leisure time there. Built on three large pedestals, this curved structure has extensive entrances, multiple pathways in three floors with restaurants, coffee shops, and sitting areas. The plan of the bridge was inspired by Iranian bridge architecture, such as the Khaju Bridge, and is a fully ecological and environmentally sustainable structure whose similar prototype has been built in natural parks of France, Canada, the Netherlands, Belgium, Malaysia, and Australia.