If you are planning to travel to Iran and visit its abundant of fantastic attractions, we highly recommend you not to miss Toopkhaneh Square, nowadays known as the Imam Khomeini Square in Tehran. This place is important not only considering its historical value but also because of its geographical location which is just right in the downtown of the capital city. Current Imam Khomeini Square was formerly known as Toopkhaneh Square and also Sepah Square before the Islamic Revolution of Iran. This square was constructed upon the order of famous Amir Kabir during the kingdom of Naser-al Din Shah in Qajar era. Iranian people have witnessed many important historical events on Toopkhaneh Square since that time such as the demonstrations, executions of political prisoners and famous Nationalization of the Iranian Oil Industry.  A tall building built by the post office allocated to the telecommunication ministry is on the side of Toopkhaneh Square in Tehran. To travel to Iran and enjoy a sweet memory, join Alaedin Travel.