The historical Ardabil Bazaar is geographically located in the center of the city and because of being ancient and giving traditional architectural style is considered as one of the most interesting structure of Bazaar in Iran. During the Safavid dynasty, Ardabil Bazaar was very commercially prosperous and was a center for commercial, social and political affairs. According to some documents, the bazaar is in the shape of a cross having a mosque in its center. The bazaar was divided into many different sections and each section was allocated to a special occupation, such as butchers’ bazaar and many other aisles. The whole complex of Ardabil Bazaar is covered with arched ceilings and simple domes. The lightening of the bazaar is supplied through holes on the ceilings. The most important part of this wonder is Qeysariyeh Bazaar which is really a must see due to its historical atmosphere. Being interested in visiting Ardabil Bazaar and many other fabulous attractions of Iran, you could treat yourself with a perfect tour to Iran by Alaedin Travel.