If you have traveled to Ardabil and visited Museum of Anthropology, you would feel the richness of Iranian art, architecture, and history with visiting all pieces gathered in this museum. What is known as Museum of Anthropology in Ardabil, was called Agha-Naghi Bathhouse before Safavid Dynasty. The bath was built by a person, called Zahir-ul-Islam, during Ilkhanate Period and 200 years later, some sections were added. The entrance of the museum starts from the dressing room and ends with an octagonal pool, where special bathing costumes are displayed using sculptures. An octagonal portico, dressing room, hot and cold water pools are some of other parts of this bathhouse, which nowadays various objects are exhibited in its different part. The museum displays sculptures wearing local costumes in different situations and reflexes cultures and traditions of this Province. People of this area paid a special attention to cleanliness, which is why this historic bath has been important for a long time. 33 types of statues with local costumes, as well as artworks and historical manuscripts are collected in this museum. Museum of Anthropology in Ardabil was registered as a national heritage in 1999.