If you feel like walking in a plain filled with flowers in order to get rid of all your negative thoughts and refresh your body and soul, or experience a long walk in the middle of the forest or simply recline in a hot spring, Fandoqlu Forest is where you are looking for. Fandoqlu Forest is located 30 kilometers far from Ardabil and it is one of the most outstanding attractions which has a great potential in developing Ecotourism. Due to its high altitude, the area has a pleasant and cool climate. Sousan-e Chehel Cheraagh (Lilium ledebourii) is a rare Asian species of plants that grows up in this forest and has a significant role in the development of tourism industry. In the middle of the forest, there is a hot spring which is called Ali Dashi hot spring, and many people come to this place and spend a few days and use the therapeutic benefits of the spring. Accommodation facilities and amenities are also provided for tourists. Among other facilities in this area, there is a ski resort suitable for cold seasons of the year. Therefore; there is a chance for those who are interested in winter sports. Another tourist attraction of Fandoqlu Forest is Chamomile flower festival which is held on May 25th and 26th every year.